2024-2025 BSPE Boosters Club Board 

Board Chair


Desiree Siino



Board Co-Chair


Anh Clayhold



Board Vice-Chair


Jennifer Hajal


Contact me for general inquiry, communications, website support, and lunch


Board Secretary


Ashley McDonald


Contact me for volunteering opportunities, Board meeting minutes, questions about the Boosters organization and bylaws.


Board Treasurer

Joo-Hee Han


Contact me for general finance questions and financial reports.


Board Co-Treasurer

Anisha Pirani


Contact me for financial reports and general finance questions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Committee Chairs

Lunch Chair: Desiree Siino bspeb.lunch@gmail.com

OPEN: Fundraising Chair: bspeb.fundraising@gmail.com 

OPEN: Dining for Donations: bspeb.dining@gmail.com

Room Parent Coordinator: Rochelle Lee bspeb.roomparents@gmail.com

Spirit Wear: Anh Clayhold bspeb.spiritwear@gmail.com

Events Chair: bspeb.events@gmail.com Contact me for event questions and volunteering.


If you'd like to participate or lead a committee, we'd love to have you! Please fill out the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch. 


Join Boosters now for access to view our Membership Directory and Carpool List.

Our Sponsors







We thank these incredible businesses for their generous support.

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